Light Grapefruit Desserts for Any Occasion

Light Grapefruit Desserts for Any Occasion

Usually when people think of light tasting desserts they think of lemon flavored desserts but grapefruit desserts can be just as light and have a sweet and tangy flavor that lemon desserts don’t have. Grapefruit desserts are ideal for spring parties and summer picnics when chocolate is too rich and too heavy. Grapefruit desserts are… Read more »

Grapefruit Snacks the Whole Family Will Love

Grapefruit Snacks the Whole Family Will Love

Grapefruit snacks can be a healthy option for family snacking. If you want to teach your kids healthy eating habits giving them snacks made with grapefruit is a good way to teach them that healthy fruit is delicious as well as nutritious and that fruit can be just as tasty as candy or chocolate snacks.… Read more »