The Tangerine Is A Delicious Little Fruit That Has Come A Long Way

Tangerines: The Delicious Little Fruit

The Tangerine is one of the most popular varieties of the citrus fruit commonly known as the orange. What many people may not realize is that the tangerine is actually…

Dwarf Ruby Red Grapefruit Tree 03

Can Grapefruit trees grow in pots?

The Grapefruit tree is an evergreen citrus tree of the Rutaceae family and a hybrid of shaddock which originated in Barbados. Coming from the genus citrus, it can be expected that all types of Grapefruit trees would require lots of sunlight and a temperate climate. The big question is, “Can I buy a Grapefruit tree… Read more »

Who Else Loves Valencia Oranges

Can Orange Trees survive winter?

We think of oranges as summer fruits. How could we not when they boast bright sun-kissed orange colors, and flesh that bursts with fun, zesty flavors? On top of that our most beloved OJ is made from Valencia Oranges which are in season during summer. But did you know that there are oranges that can… Read more »

Dwarf Washington Navel Orange Tree 02

Do orange trees lose their leaves in the fall?

Summer has come and gone and so has many tree leaves. Autumn has arrived and the once green leaves that adorned trees have dried, fallen, and now decorate the ground. It may seem sad or romantic depending on how you look at it, but that is the natural cycle of deciduous trees like beech, aspen,… Read more »


How long do lime trees live?

While walking along an orchard path I looked down never-ending rows of citrus trees and was in awe of the beauty, the clean citrus bloom scent, and the shaded halls of green leaves. I suddenly wondered how tall key lime trees get, and how long they may live. If you are planning to grow a… Read more »

orlando tangelo tree

Fun Facts about Tangerine Trees

People often mistake tangerines for oranges because of their round shape, orange peel, and sweet, citrus flavor. But did you know that tangerines are a hybrid between a Mandarin and a Pomelo, and are classified under the Swingle and Tanaka classification systems? The tangerine fruit is in the same citrus family as oranges but is… Read more »

poderosa lemon tree 1

Is there a lemon lime tree?

Citrus trees are great to have in any backyard or inside the house, as they add allure to the surroundings, provide clean scented air, and put the freshest fruit within our reach. However, as much as we may want to have multiple citrus trees at home, limited space often restricts the number of trees we… Read more »

miho satsuma tree 2

Everything you wanted to know about tangerines

Citrus Tangerina, or tangerines, are one of the tasty hybrids of mandarin oranges. Tangerines get their name from their place of origin: Tangier, Morocco. Like other citrus fruits, proper tangerine tree care requires a warm, sunny climate for the trees to thrive. Although the fruit bears some striking resemblance to the common orange, it has… Read more »

cocktail tree

What is a cocktail tree?

A lot of us would like to grow different citrus trees at home. However, not all of us have enough space to grow large trees in our backyard or patio and must to settle with one or two fruiting trees. However, this is no longer the case. With the process of grafting different bud woods… Read more »

Dwarf Kaffir Lime Tree 05

How big does a Kaffir Lime Tree grow?

The Kaffir Lime Tree, botanically known as Citrus hystrix, is an evergreen citrus tree grown for its glossy, aromatic leaves and fruit rind mainly used in Asian cuisine to add aromatic and flavor to dishes and reduce the pungent smell of certain ingredients like snail and fish. In some Asian countries, the leaves and fruit… Read more »


How big do Tangerine trees get?

Among the numerous citrus tree cultivars, the Tangerine tree is one of the most cultivated fruiting trees grown by home gardeners and commercial growers. Tangerine trees have dense evergreen foliage, wonderfully scented blooms, and attractive red-orange fruits that are both sweet and flavorful. Tangerine trees are cold-hardy and can survive drought and cold temperatures better… Read more »


Do Kumquats taste like Oranges?

Bigger isn’t always necessarily better when it comes to fruits. Bite-sized fruits can also offer interesting flavors! One such fruit is the delightfully contradictory fruit, the kumquat. What are Kumquats? Kumquats are a type of small citrus fruit that originates from South Asia. Its trees bear oval-shaped fruits that are comparable in size to large… Read more »

glen-navel orange tree 1

5 most popular varieties of orange trees

The orange is one of the most popular fruits. Different varieties of this citrus can be found almost year-round. Are you interested in growing your own dwarf orange tree? Which type to get can be confusing since there are many different kinds of dwarf orange trees for sale, so let us help you narrow it… Read more »

Meyer Lemon

How Big Do Dwarf Orange Trees Get?

Dwarf orange trees are valuable dwarf citrus that have been enchanting many gardens and patios with their handsome and shiny evergreen foliage, fragrant blooms, and flavorful fruits for generations. Dwarf orange trees are popular among home growers and cultivators because they are easy to grow, have a well-behaved root system, and can adapt well to… Read more »

Dancy Tangerine Tree

Taking care of a tangerine tree

Growing your own fruits is beneficial as long as you know what you are doing. You get the security knowing that your food is clean and fresh, and you can save a considerable amount of money. However, space and location can narrow down the choice of fruits you can cultivate. That being said, growing your… Read more »